Samsung Electronics to produce next generation DRAM, V-NAND chips in coming years

Samsung Electronics has announced plans to launch some game-changing memory chips over the next two years.
It’s going to start making fifth-generation 10-nanometer DRAM chips next year and then a ninth-generation Vertical NAND a year later.

Samsung announced the news Wednesday at the Samsung Tech Day in Silicon Valley.
Fifth-generation DRAM will be much thinner, meaning more chips can be made on one wafer, giving Samsung an advantage over its competitors.

As for the upcoming V-NAND, the ninth generation, Samsung said it’ll be 42 percent more dense and better suited for the data-intensive industries of the future.

Calling the plan “total solution fabless,” Samsung aims to achieve convergence among a wide range of its products, like system semiconductors, mobility solutions and artificial intelligence.

Source: Arirang News | Reporter : raehyun(a)

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