President Marcos grants amnesty to MNLF rebels

President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. has issued a proclamation granting amnesty to members of the Moro National Liberation Front (MNLF), a rebel group that has been fighting for autonomy in Mindanao for decades.

The proclamation, signed on November 22, 2023, covers MNLF members who have committed crimes in pursuit of their political beliefs, such as rebellion, sedition, and illegal possession of firearms. The amnesty aims to create a conducive environment for peace and reconciliation, and to facilitate the reintegration of the rebels into the society.

The MNLF welcomed the president’s move, saying it shows his genuine desire to heal the wounds of the past and foster brotherhood. Deputy Speaker Ustadz Abdulkarim Tan Misuari, a former MNLF leader, said the amnesty is a significant step towards national unity and a more inclusive nation.

He also praised the president for his sincerity and foresight, recognizing that dialogue and negotiation are the keys to resolving conflicts with those who once stood against the government. He said the amnesty will allow the MNLF members to contribute to nation-building and development.

The amnesty, however, is not absolute. It does not apply to those who have been charged or convicted of terrorism, kidnapping, rape, drug trafficking, and other serious crimes. It also does not cover grave violations of human rights and international humanitarian law.

Applicants for amnesty must admit their guilt in writing and under oath, and surrender their weapons and explosives. They must file their applications with the Amnesty Commission within two years from the effectivity of the proclamation.

Photo Credit: Bro. Jeffrey Pioquinto, SJ mbb8356, CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

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