Urban lizards share genomic markers not found in forest-dwellers | News24.ph

Urban lizards share genomic markers not found in forest-dwellers | News24.ph

Lizards living in different cities have parallel genomic markers when compared to neighboring forest lizards, according to a new study published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. The genetic variations linked to urbanization underlie physical differences in the urban lizards, including longer limbs and larger toe pads that show how these lizards have … Read more

How does your heart know which body side to be on? | News24.ph

How does your heart know which body side to be on? | News24.ph

Although the human body is externally symmetrical on left and right, it has remarkable left and right asymmetries in the shape, size and positioning of many internal organs, including the heart, lungs, liver, stomach and brain. These asymmetries can range from benign to not-so-benign, causing a range of conditions that affect multiple organs. The left-right … Read more

Circadian clock controls sunflower blooms, optimizing the flowers for pollinators | News24.ph

Circadian clock controls sunflower blooms, optimizing the flowers for pollinators | News24.ph

An internal circadian clock controls distinctive concentric rings of flowering in sunflowers, maximizing visits from pollinators, a new study by plant biologists at the University of California, Davis shows. The U.S. National Science Foundation-supported work is published in eLife. A sunflower head is made up of hundreds of tiny florets. Because of the way sunflowers grow, … Read more

New theory on timing for human settlement of some parts of tropical Pacific | News24.ph

New theory on timing for human settlement of some parts of tropical Pacific | News24.ph

Spread across vast distances, the islands of the tropical Pacific Ocean are thought to have been populated by humans in two distinct migrations beginning approximately 3,330 years ago. The first followed a northern route out of what is today the Philippines and the second followed a southern route from Taiwan and New Guinea. People arrived … Read more

High-performance visible-light lasers that fit on a fingertip | News24.ph

High-performance visible-light lasers that fit on a fingertip | News24.ph

As technologies keep advancing at exponential rates and demand for new devices rises accordingly, miniaturizing systems into chips has become increasingly important. Microelectronics has changed the way electricity is manipulated, enabling sophisticated electronic products that are now an essential part of our daily lives. Similarly, integrated photonics has been revolutionizing the way we control light … Read more

525-million-year-old fossil defies textbook explanation for brain evolution | News24.ph

525-million-year-old fossil defies textbook explanation for brain evolution | News24.ph

Fossils of a tiny sea creature that died more than half a billion years ago may compel a science textbook rewrite of how brains evolved. A U.S. National Science Foundation-supported study published in Science provides the first detailed description of Cardiodictyon catenulum, a wormlike animal preserved in rocks in China’s southern Yunnan province. Measuring barely half … Read more

New study of comets provides insight into chemical composition of early solar system | News24.ph

New study of comets provides insight into chemical composition of early solar system | News24.ph

A new study by University of Central Florida researchers has found strong evidence that the outgassing of molecules from comets could trace the chemical composition of the early solar system. Outgassing occurs when comets, which are small bodies of dust, rock and ice in the solar system, warm and start to release gases. The work … Read more