Genomic study reveals signs of tuberculosis adaptation in ancient Andeans |

Genomic study reveals signs of tuberculosis adaptation in ancient Andeans |

People have inhabited the Andes mountains of South America for more than 9,000 years, adapting to the scarce oxygen available at high altitudes, along with cold temperatures and intense ultraviolet radiation. A new genomic study published in the journal iScience suggests that indigenous populations in present-day Ecuador also adapted to the tuberculosis bacterium, thousands of … Read more

Wisconsin cave holds tantalizing clues to ancient climate changes, future shifts |

Wisconsin cave holds tantalizing clues to ancient climate changes, future shifts |

Even in their dark isolation from the atmosphere above, caves can hold a rich archive of local climate conditions and how they’ve shifted over the eons. Formed over tens of thousands of years, speleothems — rock formations unique to caves better known as stalagmites and stalactites — hold secrets to the ancient environments in which … Read more

Microbes play a key role in unleashing ‘forever chemicals’ from recycled-waste fertilizer |

Microbes play a key role in unleashing ‘forever chemicals’ from recycled-waste fertilizer |

“Forever chemicals” are everywhere — water, soil, crops, animals, the blood of 97% of Americans — and researchers at Drexel University are trying to figure out how they got there. Their U.S. National Science Foundation-supported findings suggest that the microbes that help break down biodegradable materials and other waste are likely complicit in the release … Read more

Hubble Monitors Changing Weather and Seasons at Jupiter and Uranus –

Hubble Monitors Changing Weather and Seasons at Jupiter and Uranus –

Summary Forecast for Blustery Winds, Smoggy Hazes The outer planets beyond Mars do not have solid surfaces to affect weather as on Earth. And, sunlight is much less able to drive atmospheric circulation. Nevertheless, these are ever-changing worlds. And Hubble – as interplanetary meteorologist – is keeping track, as it does every year. Jupiter’s weather … Read more

Urban gardens are good for ecosystems and humans |

Urban gardens are good for ecosystems and humans |

Traditionally, it has been assumed that cultivating food leads to a loss of biodiversity and negative impacts on an ecosystem. A new study from researchers at multiple universities, including The University of Texas at Austin, defies this assumption, showing that community gardens and urban farms positively affect biodiversity, local ecosystems and the well-being of humans … Read more

Researchers work to reduce precious metals in catalytic converters |

Researchers work to reduce precious metals in catalytic converters  |

Precious metals in catalytic converters such as platinum, palladium and rhodium attract thieves, but University of Central Florida researchers are working to reduce the amount of precious metals the converters need — down to single atoms — while still maximizing their effectiveness. Catalytic converters, widely introduced in American vehicles in the 1970s, use precious metals … Read more

First-ever layered lake sediment sample extracted from subglacial Antarctica |

First-ever layered lake sediment sample extracted from subglacial Antarctica |

Since the discovery 50 years ago of subglacial lakes in Antarctica — some of the least accessible geological features on Earth — scientists have attempted to extract lake bed sediment to learn about the formation, movement and past conditions of the ice sheet. Now, a team of researchers with the U.S. National Science Foundation-funded project … Read more

Aquatic organisms respond to flooding and drought in different ways |

Aquatic organisms respond to flooding and drought in different ways |

Populations of various species of aquatic insects and other invertebrates respond to flooding and waterway drying in different ways that can be anticipated, according to a new Penn State-led study that employed a novel method to assess the stability of stream ecosystem communities. As the frequency and magnitude of floods and droughts increase due to … Read more

Harmful bacteria can elude predators when in mixed colonies |

Harmful bacteria can elude predators when in mixed colonies |

Efforts to fight disease-causing bacteria by harnessing their natural predators could be undermined when multiple species occupy the same space, according to a study by Dartmouth College researchers. When growing in mixed colonies, some harmful bacteria may be able to withstand attacks from the bacteria and viruses that target them by finding protection inside groups … Read more