Violating Whistleblower Protection Rule, J.P. Morgan to Pay $18 Million

Violating Whistleblower Protection Rule, J.P. Morgan to Pay  Million

The Securities and Exchange Commission of US announced on January 16th that they settled charges against J.P. Morgan Securities LLC (JPMS) for impeding hundreds of advisory clients and brokerage customers from reporting potential securities law violations to the SEC. JPMS agreed to pay an $18 million civil penalty to settle the charges. According to the … Read more

Manage South China Sea conflict through diplomacy and communication

Manage South China Sea conflict through diplomacy and communication

The Philippines and China agreed on the 17th to manage the conflict over sovereignty in the South China Sea (Philippine name: West Philippine Sea) through dialogue and communication. The two countries made this announcement in separate statements following the 8th ‘China-Philippines Bilateral Conference on South China Sea Issues’ co-chaired by Philippine Vice Foreign Minister Teresa … Read more

 Gov’t puts up 131 medical specialty centers nationwide as of December 2023

 Gov’t puts up 131 medical specialty centers nationwide as of December 2023

The Marcos administration has established 131 specialty centers nationwide as of December 2023 and allocated PhP11.12 billion this year for more specialty centers in different parts of the country, President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. said. “Noong August 24, 2023 pinirmahan ko ang Republic Act No. 11959 known as the Regional Specialty Centers Act. Ito’y mga … Read more

Philippines Seaweed Farms Could Offer a Crucial Solution for Global Food Security During Nuclear Winter

Gracilaria tikvahiae

In scenarios of nuclear war or significant volcanic eruptions, the presence of black carbon in the atmosphere could lead to a nuclear winter, drastically affecting global food supplies with a potential temperature drop of up to 10 degrees Celsius. Recognizing the severity of such a catastrophe, an international team of researchers, including CC&E’s Cheryl Harrison, … Read more

Year 2023 is the Warmest Year on Record, NASA Analysis Confirms

Year 2023 is the Warmest Year on Record, NASA Analysis Confirms

Earth’s average surface temperature in 2023 was the warmest on record, according to an analysis by NASA. Global temperatures last year were around 2.1 degrees Fahrenheit (1.2 degrees Celsius) above the average for NASA’s baseline period (1951-1980), scientists from NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS) in New York reported. “NASA and NOAA’s global temperature … Read more

Parents tend to suicide in first years after child’s cancer diagnosis

Parents tend to suicide in first years after child’s cancer diagnosis

However, parents are not more likely to die by suicide, finds study of parents in Denmark and Sweden Parents who have a child with cancer are more likely to attempt suicide during the first years after diagnosis, according to a new study conducted by Qianwei Liu of Southern Medical University, China, and colleagues, published January 16th in the open access journal PLOS … Read more

Liberated Filipino Hamas Hostage testimony: I ate tissue paper for food

Liberated Filipino Hamas Hostage testimony: I ate tissue paper for food

In an exclusive interview by CBN news, a released Hamas hostage, Jimmy Pacheko recounts his horrific experience. After more than 50 days as a prisoner of Hamas, he’s finally home and he’s sharing his story of survival and his gratitude to God for his freedom.

“When I was taken out of the house, I didn’t expect them to spare me because I witnessed my employer being killed mercilessly,” he said. Jimmy lived in a kibbutz where he was a caregiver to an elderly man who was immediately killed by Hamas. In an exclusive interview, Jimmy talked about his harrowing experience.


Jimmy Pacheko spent more than 50 days as a prisoner of Hamas. Now, he shares his story of survival and his gratitude to God for freedom.

On October 7th, the day Hamas terrorists began their attacks along the Gaza border. Jimmy Pacheco was taken hostage when he was taken out of the house. He didn’t expect them to spare him because he witnessed his employer being killed mercilessly.

Jimmy lived in a kibbutz, where he was a caregiver to an elderly man who was immediately killed by Hamas. In an exclusive interview, Jimmy talked about his harrowing experience. He heard gunfire from another house and sent a message to his wife back in the Philippines to take care of their children.

Hamas asked if he was a soldier, set a rifle on automatic, and fired beside his ear until the ammo ran out. After that, he heard a buzzing sound in his ears. When supplies were scarce, they only gave one pita bread for the whole day, which he didn’t eat in one sitting but got a pinch whenever he felt hungry.

As time passed, the water supply became salty, and he worried due to a history of kidney illness. They gave him a piece of toilet paper, which he hid in his pocket and ate when wet enough, filling his empty stomach and quenching his thirst. He was about 40 meters below the ground, and it was cold with condensation on the walls.

During captivity, Jimmy was made to clean seven toilets, which he was okay with because not doing so would make the smell worse. In the first and second weeks, he stayed inside a small prison with a toilet right beside him, constantly wondering why he was captured.

He gathered strength for his children, eating toilet paper to survive. He pleaded to God for his life, promising to endure even if he stayed there for ten years. After roughly a month and a half in captivity, Jimmy was included in the first batch of hostages released by Hamas.

They were told they would be leaving the tunnel where they were held captive, and when he first saw the sun and breathed fresh air, he knelt down and thanked the Lord for his strength. Jimmy expressed his maturity and strength, vowing to keep working to provide for his family and prevent his children from experiencing the hardships he faced as a child.

He thanked everyone for their prayers and shared his eyewitness testimony of being a hostage in Hamas, literally underground, 40 meters below the ground. The deprivation he experienced is an untold story that is now being shared.